Monday, August 11, 2008

Buy Me A Hallmark Card, I Have The Cancer

Is this progress? Indifference? Senility? I used to make this big deal about my cancer anniversary. I'd look forward to it and blog about it and talk about it. That was the best part, because no one, trust me no one, knows what to say when you talk about your cancer anniversary. Should they be happy? She they knit their brows? Pat me on the back? Back away slowly? I used to love that.

This year is number seven, which I guess has some sort of symbolic significance. It's lucky, maybe? My anniversary was last Wednesday, the big Seven. And you know what I did to mark the occasion? I fucking forgot all about it. Utterly and completely forgot. Like, whoops. I knew it was coming, too. I remembered a few weeks ago. I even talked to Baby about it. But I woke up on the day of, and it was just a plain old Wednesday. I had to go to meetings. I had to surf the internet. I had to go home and play videogames. And then it was Thursday, and my window was gone.

But not really though. I think I'll celebrate it this week. Nobody will know the fucking difference, and it will probably be even more fun.

1 comment:

meservery said...

Looks like no one knows how to comment on it either.