Friday, August 19, 2005

The Other Woman


I’ve got a confession to make. I am out of town, that much is true. And I am staying with mom, that’s also true. But I’m not alone. I’m with my other girlfriend, my ex-girlfriend, in a way. I know this is going to upset you, but you’ve got a right to know.

You see, I came down here to visit with every intention of spending time with my family. I was going to hang out with my mom, go see my sister and my nieces, take them to the pool- all that stuff. But the weather has been rainy, and I’ve been stuck in the house. With all this free time on my hands, I was doomed to go back to her. I went hesitantly at first, but she embraced me with open arms and didn’t even mentioned how I left her as soon as I met you.

I feel bad about all of this. I’m thirty, and that’s way too old to be acting the way I have been. I also feel like I’m sneaking around behind your back, so it’s high time I just confessed and let the cards fall where they may. I love her, I just do and I can’t deny it anymore.

But I have been thinking- there really is no reason why I can’t see both of you at the same time. She fills a part of my life that has been neglected since you and I started dating. In the times when we aren’t together I think of going back to her, but I really haven’t had enough time to commit to her. She can be demanding, and it’s especially difficult to be with her because I lose track of time when I am with her. Yet I think I can find a way to juggle you and her together. I don’t want to lose you, yet I feel obligated to her. She has been through so much with me, and she has always been there when I needed her. I’ve kept her from you because I am embarrassed, but I have to finally admit that I need her. She makes me happy and I cannot live without her.

With that in mind, I have to ask you if we can try to make this work together. If we try, I think we can all be happy. So Baby, can we make it work? One big happy family. You, me, and my Playstation. Please?


Anonymous said...

and i was thinking masturbation...guess i'm the bigger perv.

Lady Tiara said...

best post ever.

you owe the PS so much, how can you just walk away?

bryc3 said...

how am i supposed to live without you?

after i've been loving you so long?

Kathryn Is So Over said...

Baby, be warned! It's a slippery slope! If you let Playstation in the bedroom, it's only a matter of time before Bryc3 is casually mentioning GameCube, X-box... beware....