Friday, August 26, 2005

I Miss You

I was out of town for four days last week, but I cut my vacation short by a day to come home Saturday to see you. We spent every free minute we had together until Wednesday morning, when I said goodbye and you left for work. You got on a plane to visit your parents Wednesday night and I won't see you again until Tuesday. I miss you already.

I've got guy stuff to do. Played basketball last night, going to the Nats game tonight. Gonna visit my old man tomorrow afternoon and may go see the Nats again on Sunday. I've also got plenty of Playstation to play. Doesn't matter. I still miss you.

I'm starting to believe that this is a sign of something serious. I always fall hard and fast, and I've promised myself not to get caught up with you. I went into this with you expecting it to fail, but determined to give it my best shot. Now that we're in deeper than we ever thought we would get, I've moved past "Hey, this could work" and jumped headfirst into "How the hell did this not work sooner?" We fit together so naturally that I could kick myself for not getting off my ass and going after you sooner. But then again, going through all my other relationship disasters makes me appreciate this one even more.

Tuesday can't get here soon enough.


Lady Tiara said...


Kathryn Is So Over said...

and Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn

It's true <3 for Baby and Bryc3!!

Oh, and btw, want to know what Mystery Man calls me all the time? Yeah. Baby. But I like it.