Monday, August 29, 2005

I Still Miss You, But I'm On To You

It started out innocently enough. My allergies were bothering me and I wanted cold medicine to help me sleep. Baby had been at my place all weekend and I was tired and just wanted to go to bed. But when I looked in the drawer in my nightstand all the medicine was gone. I was puzzled, but I didn't sweat it. I went to the medicine cabinet. That is where the good drugs are anyway. After taking the good drugs I didn't worry about the missing cold medicine.

Then last week I needed a measuring cup and couldn't find mine anywhere. Again, Baby had been visiting recently.

Finally, Baby had to go visit her 'parents' in West Virginia this weekend.

So now I need relationship advice:

When is it okay to tell a girl that you know about her meth lab?

1 comment:

Lady Tiara said...

i dunno, she has pretty nice teeth for someone who's hooked on meth.