Monday, July 10, 2006

What Do You Mean I Grab Your Butt Too Much? I LOVE You!

Maybe I'm weird. Maybe I'm a jerk and a pervert and disrespectful. Maybe I have problems. Or maybe I'm normal. I honestly don't know.

Doesn't everyone else grab their girlfriend every chance they get?

Not in public. Not in front of her parents or our friends. Not in her nono parts. But definitely in our apartment, often about her curves, and always when I haven't seen her in a while. I simply cannot keep my hands off of her.

It doesn't bother her. She teases me about it. She thinks I'm weird and she laughs and tells me to keep my hands to myself. But she doesn't get mad, or push my hands away. I think she secretly likes the attention, and like I said it's not overly sexual or suggestive.

Yet the other day I playfully suggested I would write in my blog to ask if this was normal behavior. She was all for it. Am I weird? Do you do this with your girlfriend? Does your boyfriend do that with you? Is it good? Bad? Do I need therapy? Am I some kind of sex pervert?

Is this the kind of thing she's going to tolerate while we're happy, and fucking hate when we're not? One of those idiosynchrasies you think are cute when you're in love, but make you want to cut yourself when the relationship goes south? Or will I, as she suggests, get tired of the grabbing? Do you ever reach the point where you think, meh, my girlfriend's boobs are ok, I guess...? Will I be seventy years old, puttering around the house waiting for her to bend over so I can pat her on the butt?



Anonymous said...

My girlfriend and I mutually grope eachother any chance we get. However, only in the confines of eachothers homes. I think that any time I appreciate her figure, I'm tempted to touch it in some manner. She even does me the luxury of changing shirts extra slow, so that I can take in how amazing she looks.

So, I don't think you're abnormal. I think that kind of healthy sexual behavior can keep the relationship from going South.

Lady Tiara said...

i hope it's normal, seeing as lord kissington is a big time fondler. it's been what, like 4 years, and he's still grabbing, so it looks like you have a long lifetime of grabbing baby's ass ahead of you.

bryc3 said...

see?! i'm not weird! and i SO have trouble picturing kissington grabbing you. just the thought of his sexy face makes me laugh.

Lady Tiara said...

ummh, you've never noticed him pawing me in public? give him more than three basses and there's no stopping him.