Sunday, June 19, 2005

Ineffectuality, Super-Sized®

I like fast food. I know it's bad for me, and the fast food companies exploit their workers, and the food is crap. I'm aware of all of this. But I can't deny it, I just like it. And I'm not just talking about the convenience and the fact that it's dirt cheap. I actually like the taste of it. I mean come on, burgers and fries?

Fast food joints are interesting, too, because you never know what kind of people you're going to see there. They're a great equalizer of sorts.

There is, however, one type of person you find at these places that drives me crazy- the people who treat the staff like shit.

Male fast food employee hater:

I am a very important person. I mean, look how expensive my watch is. And you know I have no tolerance or respect for people who make less money than I do. Obviously these idiots behind the counter never went to college, and even if they did it was probably a state school. And lord knows they weren't cool enough to have been in my fraternity, and so they definitely did not have access to my extensive network that allowed me to cheat my way through business school. Could they have gotten that copy of the Accounting final the morning before the exam, allowing them to get totally fucking hammered dude at the DMB concert the night before? Hardly. Hell, they probably don't even like DMB! And that's a shame, too, because these people appear to be ethnic, and the DMB is ethnic. I mean, they've got black people actually IN the band! But anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, these people don't seem to be able to speak English, either, which can only mean one thing: terrorist. That's it, I'm getting another 'W' sticker for my BMW. It's time we got rid of all of these people once and for all.

Female fast food hater:

First of all, do you know how hard it is to park a Hummer in one of these parking spaces? (sighs audibly) Can I have a Big Mac meal, super size, with a Diet Coke? Yes...that's...Diet...Coke! Jesus, can't any of you people speak English? (rolls eyes) Why are all these Mexicans so stupid? No, I'm not a racist. I just think that if you come to this country, you should be able to speak the language and get a good job. I have the same problem with my gardener and my maid. Oh and don't give me that shit that this is hard work. I cook for my family at least twice a week, and have you seen my rose garden? I appreciate a hard day's work.

I hate all of you. I hate you every time you shout at the poor woman behind the counter because you think that will make it easier for her to understand your language. I hate you every time you turn around, exasperated, and give me that sympathetic "Can you believe white people have to deal with this shit?" look. I'm crossing my fingers that the guys in the back are putting god knows what in your food.

You see, I've worked in fast food before. It sucks. It's demeaning and exhausting. It's hot as an oven in there, you get treated like a machine, and you make minimum wage. You burn yourself constantly, you sweat incessantly, and you're trapped in a polyester uniform that was designed by some asshole who has never set foot behind the counter. The people you wait on judge you simply by your respective positions at the counter, and no matter how fast you are or how hot the food is, the only time you will hear from them is when you fuck up an order.

So I am unfailingly polite to the staff at these joints. I am sympathetic to how hard their job is, and I know that the last thing they want to do is serve low-grade dogfood to my drunk ass at 3am. This is particularly true of the poor folks at the McDonald's at the corner of Lee and Glebe, which is miraculously open 24 hours. Needless to say that the latenight weekend staff is getting to know me.

There is one woman in particular who gets my deepest sympathies. A few weeks ago I pulled up to the window after the group of kids in front of me had just given her an especially difficult time. I seem to see her every weekend, and she gave me a smile of semi-recognition. She looked pretty depressed. I smiled back, made some small talk and apologized for the drunk kids (in Spanish, which appeared to delight her), and thanked her. It can be awkward in that kind of situation, because in the middle of the night it takes a while at the window because they often have to actually make the food. But hey, I was fine. I was drunk and chatting up the fast food lady, and my act was killing.

Fast forward a few weeks, to maybe two weeks ago, and I am at the same McDonald's but this time on a weeknight after work. It's maybe 7pm. I pull up to the window and it's the same lady. This time I get a big smile, a smile that, if we were in a bar, would say, "Wow! I didn't know you hang out here! It's so good to see you!" I smile back, nervous. What am I supposed to do? I so do not understand the etiquette in the situation. Thankfully the whole episode is mercifully short, because it's the dinner rush and I've got to get a move on. But after she takes my money and starts to hand me my food, she leans out the window and whispers to me, conspiratorially:

"I gave you some extra straws."

I am literally paralyzed. I've got a shit ton of self-loathing for my tendency to handle social situations in the least-cool way possible, but this one takes the cake. How the fuck are you supposed to respond to that? All I can do is smile and say, "Thank you" and drive away. Straws?! What the fuck is that all about? French fries I could understand. French fries says, "Next time, ask for my number." But straws?


Lady Tiara said...

great post. i can't stand people who are really abusive to service sector employees. especially fast food employees. what do you want from these people? you are getting your food for under five bucks in a matter of minutes, seconds even.

i think you have an admirer at the mcdonalds. she is probably working her way up to the extra fries. she doesn't want to come on too strong at first. extra straws. maybe then a supersized soda instead of a large. then maybe you'll get the extra fries. she's not a cheap floozy, you know. she wants to get to know you slowly.

(you speak spanish? who knew?)

bryc3 said...

she seemed pleased that i was speaking spanish, although honestly it's anyone's guess whether what i was saying made any sense.

i speak any number of languages etta, including the international language of love:

omg ur t3h h0tz0rz! i <3 u!

Anonymous said...

Extra Straws = Bang me hard like the fast food tramp that I am. You can be the meat in my buns.

bryc3 said...

quiet christian, the grownups are talking

Kathryn Is So Over said...

Well, chances are this woman depends on Mickey D's for her livelihood, hence the putting up with asshole customers. I'd wager straws are one thing NOT carefully inventoried, which could therefore be passed on in gratitude to a certain spanish-speaking nice dude with no fire-worthy red flags to the higher ups. Maybe she'll mix it up and offer extra napkins and/or ketchup next time. You've go the sweet hook-up, that's for sure.

bryc3 said...

kathryn, that is exactly the same theory my mom postulated.

i don't know what that implies, but it's pretty funny nonetheless.

Kathryn Is So Over said...

big boobs think alike?

I said boobs on your blog.

Anonymous said...

A few years back, I did a photography exercise in which I went to some fast food joints in the DC area ... a Wendy's in Farragut Square, a College Park McDonalds, a Manassas Burger King ... and took portraits of some of the employees at work. Pretty striking.

I think one of the great challenges of contemporary American life is to progress financially and enjoy the comforts of that success without regret, without losing perspective about the challenges others face in their lives. I refuse to call it "privelege," because some people do have to work for what they get, and that is anything but privelege. We'll just call it success.